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Coviance invites you to share in an exclusive Live Webinar on proactive management of liquidity and risk management given today’s challenging environment. By attending this exclusive session, moderated by Omar Jordan, you’ll hear experts from Darling Consulting Group, Frank Farone, Managing Director and Jeff Croteau, Senior Consultant, share best practice approaches to liquidity management. The valuable insights will cover: 

  • A real-world liquidity management approach beyond traditional metrics and ratios
  • Managing regulatory pressures and what to expect on your next examination
  • Building the appropriate stress tests and remediation plans
  • Critical elements of an effective Contingency Funding Plan
  • Derivatives for lowering the cost of funds and hedging value at risk

Stay ahead of the curve to ensure you can keep lending to your borrowers and meeting their financial needs by implementing proactive action plans.


Select the event below that applies to you to register today!

Community Banks

Thursday, November 16, 2023

1:00 - 2:00 PM CT

Credit Unions

Friday, November 17, 2023

1:00 - 2:00 PM CT

Meet the Speakers

Frank Farone_Webinar Headshot
Frank Farone
Managing Director 
Darling Consulting Group
Frank is a Managing Director at Darling Consulting Group, and consults nationwide with CEOs and CFOs of financial institutions to increase earnings through the proactive management of capital, liquidity/funding risk, and interest rate risk. He is a frequent speaker and author on topics such as industry issues and trends, funding solutions, regulatory issues, interest rate risk management, capital management, and derivatives hedging techniques. Frank was designated a “top-rated” speaker by FMS and is well known for his popular seminar “Turbo Charging Your ALCO Process” having helped thousands of bankers across the country.
Jeff Croteau_Webinar Headshot
Jeff Croteau 
Senior Consultant 
Darling Consulting Group
Jeff is a Senior Consultant at Darling Consulting Group, where he assists financial institution executives in strengthening their Asset/Liability Management (ALM) processes. In this role, he provides custom solutions for managing interest rate risk, liquidity risk, and capital. Jeff is also knowledgeable in the areas of deposit strategies, regulatory compliance, and executive-level education.

Moderated By

Omar Jordan_Headshot
Omar Jordan
Founder & CEO


Omar Jordan is the founder and CEO of Coviance (formerly LenderClose), a CUSO, fintech company that’s transforming the home equity lending process with its cloud-based platform, Home Equity Express™ (HEx). The out-of-the box solution is proven to increase lenders efficiencies and productivity output. Founded in 2015, Coviance partners with more than 425 credit unions and community banks nationwide to meet the accelerating digital transformation curve and automate their home lending process. In 2022 nearly $8B in home equity lending volume originated leveraging Coviance’s technology. Prior to Coviance, Omar founded multiple ventures, including National Loan Closings, which was acquired in 2018. Appointed by Governor Kim Reynolds of Iowa, Omar serves as a chairman of the board of directors for the Iowa Division of Credit Unions Review Board. And was a member of the board of directors for the Iowa Mortgage Association. Omar is committed to making an impact in the lending fintech arena.